Safeguarding is a priority at Market Rasen New Life
We are committed to following government guidelines and ThirtyOne:Eight advice on safeguarding children and adults with care and support needs.
If you have any concerns regarding the safety and welfare of a child or adult you can speak to:
JEN MAY: Safeguarding Co-ordinator 07818 022045
RHONA SHEPPARD Safeguarding Team 07813 691733 (Rhona also handles all our DBS checks)
ESTELLE FORSYTHE Safeguarding Team 07480 799575
These people have been designated by our Leadership Team and Trustees to respond to any safeguarding concerns.
Our full safeguarding policy is available and follows good practice of safe recruitment of workers and volunteers, all of whom are DBS checked.
Market Rasen New Life Church Office 'phone contact 01673 849941
ThirtyOne:Eight: Creating safer places. Together. 0303 003 11 11